Code of Conduct - Players

Players Code of Conduct

By playing ball with the JLMSA, I agree to:

  1. FOLLOW THE GOLDEN RULE - and treat my teammates, coaches, opponents and officials in the same manner I would like to be treated. This means with respect, dignity, and total sportsmanship at all times.
  2. BE A GOOD SPORT - and play fair, be a leader, set the example and rise above poor behaviour. Examples of poor behaviour are taunting, showboating, distracting players, throwing equipment (i.e. bats, helmets, gloves etc)
  3. NOT USE DRUGS, ALCOHOL OR TOBACCO - anywhere on the fields, surrounding areas or in the parking lots. I will respect and abide by the Town of Lincoln Tobacco-Free Policy.
  4. LEARN THE RULES - of the game and the policies of the Association. I will abide by those rules and policies.
  5. PRACTICE THE FUNDAMENTALS - and master the basics of baseball. I will practice my throwing, catching, base running and swinging a bat over and over again.
  6. NOT ARGUE WITH AN UMPIRE - Umpires don’t care who wins or loses and they don’t have favourite players. All they want is for a fair and safe game to be played.
  7. LISTEN TO MY COACH - My coach may be the best, the worst or somewhere in between but it makes no difference. I’m on a team and my job is to listen attentively to what my coach is saying. Without coaches I wouldn’t have a team to play on.
  8. SIT ON THE BENCH - between innings, cheer on my teammates and not visit with my parents or other spectators. I’m part of a team and my team is relying on all of its members.
  9. PLAY HARD - and give it my all. I won’t let my team or me down even if I don’t feel like playing one day.
  10. BE PATIENT WITH MY TEAMMATES - Every player on my team, including me, has strengths and weaknesses. Baseball is a team sport so I will be patient with my teammates as they improve their games.
  11. NOT USE PROFANITY - or talk ‘trash’ before, during or after any game.
  12. RESPECT THE PROPERTY OF JORDAN SOFTBALL - including the grounds, buildings and equipment. I will help ensure property remains free of vandalism and debris.
  13. INCLUDE MY PARENTS - My parents only want the best for me and want to see me succeed. I may need to remind them there will be ups and downs but my goal is to have fun.
  14. HAVE FUN - It’s a simple concept. Win or lose, I will try to enjoy every moment on the field. If playing is not fun, then I will talk to my coach, parents or someone else about my feelings.
  15. THANK MY COACHES, OFFICIALS AND ASSOCIATION MEMBERS - for volunteering their time and helping run a program that benefits me. I will thank my parents for supporting my love of baseball and getting me to practices and games.

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