House League Rules

Jordan Softball follows the Softball Canada rule book, and any rules not mentioned here will be followed and enforced per the most recent Softball Canada rule book. The 2022-20203 Softball Canada rule book is free online and can be accessed through this link:

The following rules apply to all Divisions except where noted.  Use the links to quickly jump to each section

  1. Diamond Set-up
  2. Attendance
  3. Conduct
  4. Player numbers and call-ups
  5. Clothing and equipment
  6. Innings and scoring
  7. Positions
  8. Pitching
  9. Stealing
  10. Gameplay
  11. End of season

A. Diamond set-up

Diamond set-up shall be as follows:

T-Ball, 5 Pitch, Squirt:

  1. Bases: 50 feet apart
  2. Pitching Rubber: 30 feet from home plate point


  1. Bases: 55 feet apart
  2. Pitching Rubber: 35 feet from home plate point

Junior and Senior Bantam:

  1. Bases:  60 feet apart
  2. Pitching Rubber:  43 feet from home plate point

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B. Attendance 

  1. All players are to be at the park no later than 30 minutes prior to game start time. 
  2. If you are unable to attend ANY game or practice you MUST notify your coach 24 hours in advance. 
  3. Games may be cancelled by President, Convener, or Umpire-in-Chief. If games are cancelled for any reason the coaches will be notified by a member of the executive.

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C. Conduct

  1. Respectful treatment of all players, parents, coaches and volunteers is expected. Refer to the player, parent, and coach Codes of Conduct.
  2. Players, coaches and spectators MUST NOT harass or direct discourteous remarks towards any person at the park. Failure to adhere to this will result in ejection from game or forfeiture of game. 
  3. Foul language will not be tolerated.
  4. IT IS EVERY COACH’S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTROL THEIR FANS. If an event occurs after ejection or at end of game guilty parties will be suspended for at least one game.
  5. No smoking by any player or coach in the vicinity of the bench. One warning will be issued. 2nd offence results in ejection.
  6. Only players, coaches & scorekeepers may be on team bench and all players are to remain in bench area during the game. Failure to do so may result in an immediate ejection.
  8. Aggressive play will not be tolerated.  Please remember that this is not the major leagues and that you are playing for fun. We don't want to see anyone getting hurt.
  9. If any person is ejected from a game by the umpire, they must vacate the ballpark within 2 minutes or it will result in a forfeit of the game.

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D. Player numbers and call-ups

  1. The minimum number of players required to play for an official game is as follows:
    1. 5 pitch: 7 players
    2. Squirt and above: 8 players
  2. Teams will be allowed 10 minutes after game start time to get the required number of players to the park.  If unable to do this, the game will be forfeited BUT will be played.  Split teams in two and play for fun.
  3. Please make every attempt for call-ups to fill the field as this gives kids experience and fun in an older division.
  4. Player Call-Ups Rule:
    1. 5-Pitch to call up T-Ball players first.  If you still require player(s), you may call a player from another 5-Pitch team not playing.
    2. Squirt to call up from 5-Pitch players first.  If you still require player(s), you may call a player from another Squirt team not playing.
    3. PeeWee to only call up from Squirt.
    4. Jr. Bantam to only call up from Pee Wee.
    5. Sr. Bantam to only call up from Jr. Bantam.
  5. Additional Call-Up Rules:
    1. All call ups are to wear their own team game jersey.  
    2. Call ups may not pitch.  
    3. Individual players are allowed to be called up 3 times in the regular season and 2 times in the playoffs. Additional amounts have to be approved by the Divisional Convenor.
  6. If a player is called up to play and one of your players shows up unexpectedly, the call-up is to play and be treated like a member of your team.

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E. Clothing and equipment

  1. All players MUST wear team shirts to ALL games.  Players are not allowed to play without team shirts. Our sponsors support our league and we put their names on our shirts to thank them and show our appreciation. We owe it to our sponsors to wear team shirts to ALL games.
  2. Closed-toed shoes MUST be worn. Cleats, if worn, must be rubber (no steel!). Sandals or open-toed footwear are not permitted.
  3. Players may wear either pants or shorts but pants are recommended for safety reasons.
  4. Jewellery may be worn provided it is non-distracting and not exposed. Exposed jewellery must not be worn due to injury risk, except for medical bracelets. Umpires have final judgment on what jewellery is acceptable. For safety reasons it is recommended to remove all jewellery prior to play. 
  5. *UPDATED 2024*All players MUST wear a helmet with two padded ear flaps when batting and running the bases. It must remain on until home plate is crossed. Each player is responsible for providing their own helmet.
    1. Face guards are strongly recommended for safety.
    2. Chin straps are strongly recommended to keep the helmet in place.
  6. Helmets MUST be in good condition. Cracked or damaged helmets will not be permitted and player will not be able to play without a suitable helmet.
  7. All players wishing to pitch are strongly recommended to wear a face guard on their helmet for safety. Jordan Softball is not liable for injuries sustained by any players.
  8. All catchers MUST wear chest protector, shin guards, and a mask/helmet with throat protector. Catcher helmets and equipment will be provided by Jordan Softball.

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F. Innings and scoring

  1. Minimum number of innings for an official game are as follows:
    1. 5 Pitch and Squirt: games are to be 5 innings.  In the event of bad weather, curfew, or darkness 2 innings shall be needed for a full game. 
    2. PeeWee and above: games are to be 7 innings. In the event of bad weather, curfew, or darkness 3 innings shall be needed for a full game.
  2. No extra innings will be played to break a tie except in playoffs.
  3. In all divisions there is a 5-run mercy rule per inning except in the last inning where 3 outs are to be recorded.
  4. *UPDATED 2024* Last inning:
    1. Last inning can begin to be called by umpires 1 hour 20 minutes after scheduled start time. Coaches should encourage players to hustle on and off field to get as many innings in each game as possible.
    2. The last inning must be called at the start of the top of the inning.
    3. If the game starts late due to a team-related issue, 1 hour 20 minutes starts at the scheduled start time. 
    4. If the game starts late due to umpire or weather issues, 1 hour 20 minutes starts at the first pitch.
    5. For 5 pitch, the last inning can begin to be called at 1 hour 10 minutes. 
  5. Last Inning Flip Flop Rule: If the visiting team is winning by 7 or more runs, the home team will bat first for the final inning. If necessary, the visiting team will bat second.
  6. All players' FULL NAMES and POSITIONS are to be recorded on score sheet. (This is needed for game results to be submitted to local newspapers.)

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G. Positions

  1. In Squirt and above, all players must play at least 3 innings of a 5 inning game, or 4 innings of a 7 inning game. 
  2. A player must play both infield and outfield within 4 innings of play. All players are encouraged to attempt to play all positions except pitcher and catcher. 
  3. There are 10 field positions:
    1. Infield: Pitcher, Catcher, FIrst Base, Second Base, Third Base, Shortstop
    2. Outfield: Right field, Right-Center Field, Left-Centre Field, Left Field
  4. In Squirt and above, all outfielders must play on grass.
  5. All players MUST play an equal number of innings.
  6.  The change of players in the field may be made as long as all players play at least 3 innings in a full game and 1 inning in a shortened game.  
  7. All players must appear in the batting line-up for the entire game. 

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H. Pitching

  1. 5 Pitch
    1. Offensive team’s coach pitches to their own team.
    2. Each batter will receive no more than 5 pitches in a plate appearance, regardless of balls, strikes, or fouls. After 5 pitches the batter will be called out.
    3. If a baseball is hit from the batter which hits the pitcher (or pitching machine), the play is dead and a RE-PITCH is taken.  All base runners are to return the original base.
  2. Squirt
    1. Defending team player pitches to offensive team batters.
    2. All pitchers MUST pitch equally and be given the opportunity to do so.  All players wishing to pitch must be given the opportunity to do so.
    3. No pitcher shall pitch more than 2 innings.
    4. *UPDATED 2024* When a bat­ter receives 4 balls in a plate appear­ance or is hit by a pitch, an offen­sive teams coach will deliver no more than 3 pitches to the bat­ter. The maximum number of pitches the batter receives will be equal to the number of remaining strikes when the coach takes the mound, after which the batter will be called out: 
      1. 3 strikes remaining: coach delivers 3 pitches, regardless of balls, strikes, or fouls.
      2. 2 strikes remaining: coach delivers 2 pitches, regardless of balls, strikes, or fouls.
      3. 1 strike remaining: coach delivers 1 pitch, regardless of balls, strikes, or fouls.
    5. There will be no walks or base after 4 balls.
    6. If a batter strikes out and catcher misses the ball, the ball is dead and no runners may advance. Ball 4 on a batter is also a dead ball and no runners may advance.
  3. PeeWee and above
    1. Defending team player pitches to offensive team batters.
    2. All pitchers MUST pitch equally and be given the opportunity to do so.  All players wishing to pitch must be given the opportunity to do so.
    3. Pitching maximums per player:
      • 2 innings in a 3 or 4 inning game 
      • 3 innings in a 5, or 6 inning game
      • 4 innings in a 7 inning game
    4. Intentional walks are permitted. The pitcher can signal verbally to the batter without throwing a pitch.
    5. If a batter strikes out and catcher misses the ball the ball is live and batter may advance as long as first base is open or there are 2 out. If first base is occupied with less than 2 out, the batter is out even if catcher drops ball.
  4. *NEW 2024* Warm-ups: For all divisions, pitchers will be allowed the following number of pitches to warm up:
    1. New pitchers: 5 pitches
    2. Returning pitchers: 1 minute or 3 pitches, whichever comes first.

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I. Stealing

  1. 5 Pitch: NO stealing is permitted.
  2. Squirt: No stealing is permitted.
  3. PeeWee and above: Stealing is permitted.

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J. Gameplay

  1. The following rules apply to the safety bag at first base:
    1. A batted ball hitting white portion is fair and hitting only the orange portion is foul.
    2. Any runner going only to first on either a hit or a dropped third strike (PeeWee and above) MUST ONLY TOUCH ORANGE BAG. Touching white bag will result in an immediate out.
    3. Defensive player MUST ONLY USE WHITE BAG. Touching orange safety bag will result in runner being called safe.
    4. The defensive team MAY use the orange portion of first base ONLY IF the play comes from foul territory, including a dropped third strike. This includes base hits that first land fair in Right Field and roll into foul territory. The defender MUST DECLARE they intend to use the orange portion of the base, and the runner may then use the white portion. Players must be cautious not to cause obstruction or interference. 
  2. No lead-offs are allowed. Runner’s foot must remain in contact with the bag until the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand.
  3. In TBall and 5 Pitch, players advance one base at a time. Players do not advance on an overthrow in these divisions.
  4. No player is allowed to block any base including home plate. Intentional blocking will result in the runner being called safe and/or the player blocking being warned or ejected at the discretion of the umpire.
  5. A substitute runner may be allowed due to injury once a batter/runner has reached first base. Last runner acts as substitute.
  6. A game may be delayed to allow a player who is bleeding the time needed to treat and cover their wound if that player is needed for play in field or to bat.
  7. Infield fly rule applies to all divisions except T-Ball and 5 Pitch. An infield fly, as judged by umpires, occurs with less than 2 out and runners on 1st and 2nd, or 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. A batter who hits an infield fly is automatically called out.
  8. Batting out of order is an appeal play which must be made by coach, player, or scorekeeper of defensive team.
    1. IF ERROR IS DISCOVERED WHILE WRONG BATTER IS UP, the correct batter comes to the plate and assumes the count of the wrong batter.
    2. IF ERROR IS DISCOVERED AFTER WRONG BATTER HAS HIT BUT BEFORE 1st PITCH TO NEXT BATTER, the batter whose turn was skipped is called out. All base runners must return to the base they were at before the batter hit, any steals prior to the pitch are allowed to stand, and outs made on the play are allowed to stand. The batter who is due up next is the batter who follows the batter who was skipped. This can, but may not always, result in a batter coming to the plate back-to-back times. 
    3. IF ERROR IS DISCOVERED AFTER WRONG BATTER HAS HIT BUT AFTER 1st PITCH, there is no penalty and batting team just continues on with proper batting order
  9. *NEW 2024* 2 Out Catcher: Teams may substitute the last available player to run for the next scheduled catcher if they are running on the bases with 2 out. Optional, but encouraged to increase the pace of play.
  10. *NEW 2024* 2 Out Pitcher: Teams may substitute the last available player to run for the next scheduled pitcher if they are running on the bases with 2 out. Optional, but encouraged to increase the pace of play. 
  11. No protests will be allowed. All umpires' decisions are final.

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K. End of season

  1. In the event of all teams not playing an equal number of games at the end of the season, the team with lowest amount of games will become the standard for that division. All teams in that division will then have only their top games equal to the determining number of games count. Other games will not count in standings.
    1. Example:
      1. Team A 15 games
      2. Team B 16 games
      3. Team C 15 games
      4. Team D 14 games
    2. Team D has only played 14 games, so this becomes the standard. Therefore only Teams A, B, & C top 14 game results will count.
  2. In the event of ties at the end of the season, the following will be used to break the ties:
    1. Results of games between the tied teams
    2. Runs against between the tied teams (lowest wins)
    3. Runs for between the tied teams (highest wins)
    4. Run differential for the season
    5. Coin toss

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